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Fun and satisfying gameplay. Keeps me coming back! 

- The gameplay is well balanced and keeps you pushing for the highest score/ currency to obtain upgrades to further progress. The scoreboard also keeps you coming back!

-Constantly finding new enemy variants which up the challenge, the gameplay never gets stale.

-The graphics and visual effects are well suited to the theme and the visual feedback and screen shake really help make those visuals pop! 

-The audio and aural feedback is satisfying and suits the theme and environment well. With some love and time I feel like a couple more tracks would definitely improve the loop :)

I can't wait to see future updates and improvements to Mines and Missiles and I will keep trying to get my name high up on the scoreboard xD Awesome work!

I have a bug where the mouse position isn't registered correctly because of windowed mode which I can't get out of, but other than that I like the gameplay loop.

that's interesting, the game is supposed to start in fullscreen mode. Maybe try closing and opening the game again?


1.2 billion world record holder, can we get timers for power ups that have them? Possibly a magnet power up or something? Shop items also as i have 37 million currency, thanks. Love it


thanks for playing! Your highscore is actually insane, I can't believe you've almost doubled me lol, also congrats on being the first person to get over a billion. By magnet power up do you mean making power ups move towards you when you get close to them (like the multiplier does) or do you mean a power up that collects multiplier when you get it? Both are pretty good ideas. And any ideas of what else I could include in the upgrade menu to make use of that ridiculous amount of currency?๐Ÿ˜‚ thanks for playing my game and for the feedback


Whichever honestly, mostly for multiplier because it gets ao hard to pick up that your score only goes up steadily after a point haha. You could add magnet for multiplier to the upgrade menu itself for further away and add a power that draws in other power ups maybe? If its balanced haha. Maybe add a score multiplier that gets expensive, go up in .1 amounts, gives people the chance to get good scores, or something that you can upgrade infinitely that wouldn't break the game but then currency would always have a use. Something needs to be done about the ships, the missiles never target mine and when there's 7 the bullets shoot slow so miss you at first and hit you later, it's great, but annoying on a good run haha


Really fun and interesting game! I really liked the concept, good job on your first game! Also, there are a few things that I've noticed:

- The timer is a little weird, it goes like -150 sometimes

- If I dash right before I enter one of the portals, I don't seem to teleport

I've seen you address this on another comment, but it would be nice if there was a more clear visual indicator that the mines and dash are off cooldown.

Other than that, it's a really cool game! Good job!


thanks for the feedback!

The timer in the top right was actually just for me to know that the combo was running out correctly and I forgot to remove it haha

I haven't noticed that issue with the dash but I'll have a look at it! It could be that the portal is on cooldown when your trying to dash into it? Each time you use the portals the cooldown before it is active again is extended, I tried to show this by the portal changing brightness but maybe it isn't too noticeable.

Thanks for playing


Lmao, the timer makes sense then xD

And about the dash, I didn't notice the portal cooldown then :/

I might give it another go to check this out


my latest update should have solved all the issues you had ๐Ÿ˜Š I added some more stuff too


Neat! I'll check it out when I have the time!


It was fun.  UI elements that visualize the cooldown for your mine and dash would be nice.  I'm assuming that the numbers popping up when you fly close to the enemies go towards experience?  It's not very clear.  


The player flashes purple when the mine is ready and the trail turns purple when the dash is ready. The numbers that show when you get close to enemies is showing the close call number, this fires out Missiles when it reaches certain numbers. I'm going to make a little tutorial level to show all of this. Thanks for the feedback


Great game!
Intense, fun gameplay and difficulty ramping.
I'd recommend this to anyone who enjoys arcady action flow stuff.


This is my first game, so all feedback is appreciated. Thank you


So a friend of yours told me about this game. Already in the first 2 hours i made 10th spot on leaderboard... so basically i become addicted lol. i love the retro sounds and simplistic designs... gives it that blast from the past vibe! ...i may even try and see if i can get others to play it on stream... 


Thanks for playing my game, I'm glad you've enjoyed it! Also congrats on getting onto the leaderboard already. I should have a new update available in the next couple of days. And that would be great if you can get anyone else to play it! I'm trying to make it as fun as possible so the more players and the more feedback the better